I've seen a few posts to Stack Overflow recently regarding x509 authentication using Spring. I know from my own experience that finding a single tutorial that has everything in one place is difficult, so I'd thought I would put one together that covers pretty much everything you need to get a simple web application goingI'm going to break this up into 4 parts:
- Part 1 : Generation of a client & server self-signed certificates (with common self-signed CA root certificate)
- Part 2 : Maven web application archetype generation and maven-jetty-plugin configuration
- Part 3 : Using a simple in-memory authorization provider
- Part 4 : Web application debugging using Eclipse
Part 2 - Maven web application
I am going to present the generation of a simple Java web application using a Maven archetype, and configuration of the maven-jetty-plugin to allow local testingMaven archetype generation
I'm using a Maven archetype to build a template for my web application project, which can be easily accomplished with the following command: After which you'll have a Maven managed Java project, with templated folders and files for a simple web application:./whitey-webapp ./whitey-webapp/src ./whitey-webapp/src/main ./whitey-webapp/src/main/resources ./whitey-webapp/src/main/webapp ./whitey-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF ./whitey-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml ./whitey-webapp/src/main/webapp/index.jsp ./whitey-webapp/pom.xml
Maven-jetty-plugin configuration
We now want to configure the maven-jetty-plugin, which will allow us to bring up a jetty web container instance and host our web application.Open up the pom.xml and add the following plugin definition into your project->build->plugins section: You'll notice we're referencing the server certificate and trust store created in part 1 - be sure to copy them into the src/test/certs folder before continuing (you'll need to create the directory). You should now be able to use Maven to run the jetty:run goal and test your jetty configuration: Note: If you get an error about the org.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin not existing then you'll need to add a section to your ~/.m2/settings.xml file:
Browser validation
So now you've got the jetty server up and running, open up your browser and go to https://localhost:8443/whitey-webapp, you should get an error to the effect of ssl_error_bad_cert_alert (Firefox). This is for a number of reasons:- Your browser doesn't trust the server, and doesn't have a client certificate compatible for the server's trust store
- The server requires a client certificate (that's the needClientAuth=true portion of the maven-jetty-plugin configuration)
- Import the CA root certificate (ca.crt) generated in part 1 into your browsers list of trusted Authorities
- Import the client certificate (client.p12) generated in part 1 into your browsers list of user certificates
With any luck, you should see a Hello World web page, which has been delivered over SSL